screenshot 1.3

Developer priorities by diagnostic Jet2

Developer priorities allow you to review the important aspects of your assessment from a technical view point. Typically, these priorities relate to changes that cannot be addressed by content editors easily.

Assessment completed on 11 Jan 2018 at 16:03 looking at

  • 125 pages

  • 11 pages in 2 documents

  • None found

  • None found

  • None found

Five slowest URLs by time to first byte

Top five accessibility issues

Occurrences What We Checked
999+ F70 : Failure of Success Criterion 4.1.1 due to incorrect use of start and end tags or attribute markup
999+ H74 : Ensuring that opening and closing tags are used according to specification
999+ G92 : Providing long description for non-text content that serves the same purpose and presents the same information
930 H30 : Providing link text that describes the purpose of a link for anchor elements
826 F17 : Failure of Success Criterion 1.3.1 and 4.1.1 due to insufficient information in DOM to determine one-to-one relationships (e.g., between labels with same id) in HTML

Top five code quality issues

Occurrences What We Checked
999+ Invalid attribute name
999+ Invalid attribute value
999+ A "301 Moved Permanently" response was received
941 A start or end tag was found which was unrecognised
248 Fragment identifier not found

Top five functions / links issues

Occurrences What We Checked
92 File not found
84 Connection refused by server
80 Timeout downloading file
6 URL scheme was unrecognised
2 Host not found in DNS