screenshot 3.2

Developer priorities by diagnostic Hackney

Developer priorities allow you to review the important aspects of your assessment from a technical view point. Typically, these priorities relate to changes that cannot be addressed by content editors easily.

Assessment completed on 05 Jan 2017 at 21:28 looking at

  • 125 pages

  • 9,056 pages in 266 documents

  • 29 documents

  • None found

  • None found

Five slowest URLs by time to first byte

Top five accessibility issues

Occurrences What We Checked
464 F30 : Failure of Success Criterion 1.1.1 and 1.2.1 due to using text alternatives that are not alternatives (e.g., filenames or placeholder text)
210 G196 : Using a text alternative on one item within a group of images that describes all items in the group
210 F38 : Failure of Success Criterion 1.1.1 due to omitting the alt-attribute for non-text content used for decorative purposes only in HTML
210 G82 : Providing a text alternative that identifies the purpose of the non-text content
210 H67 : Using null alt text and no title attribute on img elements for images that AT should ignore

Top five code quality issues

Occurrences What We Checked
999+ A "301 Moved Permanently" response was received
47 Invalid attribute name
12 Invalid attribute value
11 Fragment identifier not found
10 URL contains misleading description

Top five functions / links issues

Occurrences What We Checked
407 File not found
149 Host not found in DNS
72 Error status code received from web server
19 URL scheme was unrecognised
17 Timeout downloading file