screenshot 2.4

Developer priorities by diagnostic

Developer priorities allow you to review the important aspects of your assessment from a technical view point. Typically, these priorities relate to changes that cannot be addressed by content editors easily.

Assessment completed on 10 Nov 2014 at 04:42 looking at

  • 125 pages

  • 4 pages in 3 documents

  • None found

  • None found

  • None found

Five slowest URLs by time to first byte

URL Time to first byte (ms)
https:/​/​​wps/​portal/​moneygramonline/​home/​CustomerService/​FAQs/​!ut/​p/​c5/​04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gPSxcDDxN_​A0t_Q18DA08LUy8_M3NDQwN3c6B8JJK8e5i7C1De​wtjYydvV2MDCgIBuL_2o9Jz8JKA94SCb8ZsEkjfA​ARwN9P088nNT9QtyIyqDA9IVAc0f0EU!/​dl3/​d3/​L2 1,012
https:/​/​​wps/​portal/​moneygramonline/​home/​CustomerService/​FAQs/​!ut/​p/​c5/​04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gPSxcDDxN_​A0t_Q18DA08LUy8_M3NDQwMLQ6B8JJK8e5i7C1De​wtjYydvV2MDCgIBuL_2o9Jz8JKA94SCb8ZsEkjfA​ARwN9P088nNT9QtyIyqDA9IVAZ3J_J4!/​dl3/​d3/​L2 992
https:/​/​​wps/​portal/​moneygramonline/​home/​CustomerService/​FAQs/​!ut/​p/​c5/​04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gPSxcDDxN_​A0t_Q18DA08LUy8_M3NDQ4NAQ6B8JJK8e5i7C1De​wtjYydvV2MDCgIBuL_2o9Jz8JKA94SCbcat1NEKT​x2ITSN4AB3A00PfzyM9N1S_IjagM9tR1BADE3HcW​/​d 975
https:/​/​​wps/​portal/​moneygramonline/​home/​Services/​PrepaidCards/​!ut/​p/​c5/​04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gPSxcDDxN_​A0t_Q18DA08LUy8_M3NDQwMzM6B8JJK8e5i7C1De​wtjYydvV2MDCgIBuL_2o9Jz8JKA94SCb8ag1QZPH​YhNI3gAHcDTQ9_PIz03VL8iNqAz21HUEAGqVSrg!​/​ 934
https:/​/​​wps/​portal/​moneygramonline/​home/​rewards/​!ut/​p/​c5/​04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gPSxcDDxN_​A0t_Q18DA08LUy8_M3NDQ4NAQ6B8JJK8e5i7C1De​wtjYydvV2MDCgIBuL_2o9Jz8JKA94SCbcat1NEKT​x2ITSN4AB3A00PfzyM9N1S_IjagM9tR1BADE3HcW​/​dl3/​d3/​L2dJQSE 872

Top five accessibility issues

Occurrences What We Checked
890 F70 : Failure of Success Criterion 4.1.1 due to incorrect use of start and end tags or attribute markup
889 H74 : Ensuring that opening and closing tags are used according to specification
430 G141 : Organizing a page using headings
288 F17 : Failure of Success Criterion 1.3.1 and 4.1.1 due to insufficient information in DOM to determine one-to-one relationships (e.g., between labels with same id) in HTML
285 F77 : Failure of Success Criterion 4.1.1 due to duplicate values of type ID

Top five code quality issues

Occurrences What We Checked
999+ Invalid attribute name
389 Invalid attribute value
241 A start tag is missing required attributes
226 A start or end tag was found which was unrecognised
143 A "301 Moved Permanently" response was received

Top five functions / links issues

Occurrences What We Checked
200 File not found
4 Host not found in DNS
3 Web server attempted to set invalid cookie
2 Unknown status code received from web server
1 Server port in URL must be numerical