Symantecs latest report Malware no.1 threat to websites - Sitemorse protects clients

27 Aug 2014

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Sitemorse continually reviews your digital landscape (web, social and mobile properties) and the assets within to check for and alert you to any instances of Malware - this also includes social media posts, reading every link and sending SMS or email to you highlighting you to Malware or Spyware.

We offer continual content assessment across your web, social and mobile pages, along with reviewing the detail within PDFs, Word / Excel or PowerPoint files - saving you time and removing the tedium and efficiency of manual checking.

(EXTRACT from Symantec white paper - Six things that can kill your website)

Malware protection - threat to websites

Your website is your shop front, your brand on display and an essential sales and marketing tool. You spent a lot of money building it and attracting visitors. It is business critical: it would be a disaster if that shop front was smashed, your reputation was tarnished and visitors stopped coming. This is why website security is so important.

1. Website malware
Website servers can be attacked by malware just like desktop PCs. Compromising legitimate websites and using them to infect visitors is an increasingly popular tactic for online criminals: in 2012, Symantec saw a three-fold increase in this type of web attack.

What’s worse is that site owners often don’t know that their site has been compromised until it is
blacklisted by search engines or customers start complaining about infections they picked up on
the site. The damage to your traffic and your customers’ trust can be huge.

Criminals can buy ready-made malware, such as the popular Sakura toolkit, which they install on someone else’s website. It scans visitors’ computers for known vulnerabilities and picks the most effective exploit to infect them.

Symantec Attack Signatures: Sakura Exploit Toolkit